Pre Reading Questions:
Do You Believe in Time Travel?
I don’t necessarily believe in time travel myself but I believe you can recreate memories or something else if that’s what you want to use time travel for.
2. Do you believe in Monsters?
I don’t believe in Monsters from TV shows, but I do believe that bad people can be referred to being as a Monster depending on how bad their actions are.
3. Do you Believe in people having special powers?
I don’t believe that people have powers like Superman or Wonder woman, but I do believe that people have more realistic powers like… Visions to see the future, to be able to see ghosts, to predict things, to be very smart in school, ect…
Write about an experience where you had to trust someone and you thought it was a bad idea.
One time I got slime on the carpet and I tried to clean it up best as I could but there was still a stain so I told my sister to help me.
2. If time travel were possible when, where and why would you go there?
If time travel was possible I would go back to 2017 and go to Ireland again, just so I can exprience all those wonderful things again, like going to Kerry and staying in a Villa, driving a manual car up and down a field, going to Waterford and staying in a nice hotel, ect…
During Reading Questions
How would you explain the friendship between Jacob and Ricky?
I think Jacob and Ricky’s friendship is up and down but at the end of the day they always find a way to solve their differences so I would say that their friendship is quite good, because throughout the book Ricky helps Jacob a lot with his Grandfather. But Ricky is not really a good person because he smokes and is in gangs so he is not a very good influence on Jacob, also through the book Ricky and Jacob were sitting on his roof and then for no reason Ricky got mad from something Jacob said and pushed him off the roof.
2. Was it the Monster that Killed Jacob’s Father.
I think it was the “Monster” that killed Jacobs father, but it didn't kill him physically I think it killed him mentally by parannoying him.
3. Will the bird soon later lead Jacob to the person he is looking for?
I think the bird will lead Jacob to the person he is looking for because the birds species is a Peregrine and one of the main Characters is called Miss Peregrine so the Bird could be a sign that could lead him to finding out the death of his GrandFather.
4. Is is grandfather really all that crazy?
I don’t think his Grandfather is actually as crazy as Jacob thinks he is, I just think the reason he thinks he is a lunatic is because a lot of the things Grandpa Portman is saying are things that not many people would say.
5. Do you think Jacob going through the loop so often is a good thing?
I don’t thimk that it is