This is my writing on Holes chapter
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Chapter 1:
Today's the day. I’m going to go to my first every camp. Camp green lake, I live in a very dull city and from my imagination I think the camp is very bright, fresh
green trees, and the most beautiful lake. A lake the shimmers from the sun reflection. A lake that is crystal clear. Where flowers are spread out evenly as if someone has placed them evenly one by one.
One more hour until I reach my palace. We were getting closer and closer. I looked out, and it looked so dull. There were holes scattered everywhere. And there there was no greenery. Or any bright colourful flowers at. And last but not least THERE IS NO LAKE.
Chapter 2:
I think that digging holes does turn a bad person into a good one because, someone doesn’t want to stand out in the blazing hot sun and dig a ginormous hole until the hole is done. Other things that can build character is doing house chores like, doing the dishes, doing the washing, and other duties. Or other things are like if your a criminal you get put to jail and you have to do work.
Chapter 3:
Stanley’s father is trying to say that if you do something wrong it doesn’t matter because, everyone gets a second chance and everyone can learn from it. And when you make a mistake you can learn from it example, if someone was trying to make something but they kept failing that means they are not thinking about what they are doing wrong. And if someone is failing and they think about it that means they learn from their mistake.
Chapter 4:
Mr Sir’s tattoo is a rattlesnake. I think that he has that tattoo because, rattlesnakes are loud and Mr Sir is very loud. And is kind of the head of Camp Green Lake. Rattlesnakes are also very poisonous and Mr Sir looks very scary and you wouldn’t want to get on his bad side.
Chapter 5:
The children from camp green lake call Mr Pendanski mom because, he is very nice and caring. He's also like a mom to them because, the children don’t have their parents with them so they call him mom. Mr Pendanski is also staying with the boys so they are used to him and they know him very well.
Chapter 6:
The boys at the camp don’t believe Stanley that he stole the shoes because, the shoes that he stole is a famous basketball players, Clone Livingston. And he wouldn't be able to get to him because he lives in a different state from Stanley. He they think that a little boy can’t do a such thing.
Chapter 7:
When Stanley first dug his first hole he was really proud because, it was his first time digging his hole and he completed it with pride. I think he is proud of it because, it’s not easy digging a 5 foot long and wide hole all by himself. And he learned it will get easier and easier the more holes he digs.
Chapter 8:
I believe in curse because when my grandma was a little girl a ghost when into her and it stayed there for 2 months. Then her parents got feed up and they called this guy and he got rid of the ghost. And at my dad’s house the next door neighbor does this weird stuff and, when I went to India I got food poisoned.
Chapter 9:
I like the name that X-Ray gave to Stanley because Caveman means, fierce and violent and Stanley is not violent but he is very outgoing and brave. I have multiple names like:
Priyanka Chopra
Priyanka Patel
Chapter 10:
The boys line up in the same because that is the order the boys came to green camp lake. The significance in this order is Mr Pendanski and Mr Sir knows how comes next so they can call them by their name.
Chapter 11:
X-ray told Stanley to give him whatever he finds from digging a hole. He agrees to do that because he doesn’t want to have a fight with X-ray because he is like the boss of them and you wouldn't want to get on his bad side. If X-ray asked me to give him something I find I wouldn't give it to him because, I found it with my effort.
Chapter 12:
When Mr Pendanski told Stanley “ you messed up your life, you fix it” I don’t think it was Stanley's fault because, it’s not his fault that the shoes c
ame falling down from the sky and he ran with them and then the police saw him and caught him. And then they went home and he had to go to the court.
Chapter 13:
Stanley gains more respect from X-ray because he gave him the golden tube of lipstick that he found from dig a hole. He gave it to him because X-ray told him to. Stanley lost his day of from digging holes because, he gave the golden tube of lipstick to X-ray and so he lost the day of.
Chapter 14:
I was surprised that the warden was a women because, everyone at camp green lake is a male and there was no sign of a women. I was also because the camp is only for bad boys so why would there be a female warden. In this chapter I find out about the warden is that she wears cowboy boots, a cowboy hat, she has red hair, freckles and that she is really tall. By that I can find out that she is a really fierce person and that she isn’t of anyone.
Chapter 15:
I think that the campers at camp green lake are just paranoid that the warden is always watching them because, Mr Sir or Mr Pendanski could be telling them what is happening when the boys are digging holes. And because the camp is a really open place so she could be everything that the boys are saying when they are going past the warden building. Or she could be coming out of the building when the boys aren’t looking or when they are sleeping.
Chapter 16:
Zero might not familiar with the show sesame street or any nursery rhymes because, since he was a little kid he has been at camp green lake. And probably Zero’s family might be poor so they couldn’t afford a TV and his parents might not know any nursery rhymes, so they weren't able to tell him any. Or maybe because Zero has nothing in his brain he might not remember the show sesame street or any nursery rhymes.
Chapter 17:
Stanley learns that Zigzag has some sort of allergies. Stanley doesn’t know what exactly they are but when Stanley was sitting he heard some sort of noise. He didn’t know what they were but, he went to the noise to find out what is was.
Chapter 18:
Stanley is still telling lies to his parents because, he doesn’t what h
is parents to know that he has to dig holes all day in the hot boiling sun. He tells it so his parents don’t get scared about him and that they don’t come looking for him. And it’s Stanley’s first time having friends and he doesn’t want to lose them.
Chapter 19:
Stanley told Mr Sir that he stole the bag of sunflower seeds because, he doesn’t want the other boys to get into trouble. He also said that he stole them because, the bag of sunflower seeds were in his hole. If Mr Sir asked me if I stole the bag of seeds I would say, I didn’t steal them from your van it was one of the other boys who did it, they just threw the bag into my hole.
Chapter 20:
The warden doesn’t raise her voice because, Stanley was one of the boys who dug the holes. And if the warden got angry at Stanley then, Stanley wouldn’t like the camp anymore and he will try and run away from the camp. Or he will just stop digging holes because he would be scared of the warden. She isn’t treating her because, she thinks Stanley didn’t steal the seeds.
Chapter 21:
I think Zero finishes Stanley’s for him because, Stanley wants to help Zero learn how to read and write because Zero asked him if, he could help him read and write. Zero also digs the hole for Stanley because, he knows that Stanley didn’t steal the sunflower seeds. He also might of dug Stanley's hole because, he might of thought that if he goes to the warden he might not come back.
Chapter 22:
I think that Stanley is a good teacher because, he is kind, nice, generous, and he doesn’t get angry if Zero makes a mistake. Because, he thinks that everyone should get a second chance. And he takes his time when teaching each letter. When I was little I used to teach my little cousins how to write and read. And last year when my family and I went to India, I helped little kids read and write before they started their first day of school. I liked it when I did that because, I like when I can get a smile on other people.
Chapter 23:
The story does paint a painting for the author because, when the author says “it was full of clear cool water, and it and it sparkled like a giant emerald in the sun”. From that I can tell that, the water is really clear and it a sunny day. I can also tell that green lake was safe because it never told us that there was any sort of plastic or anything.
Chapter 24:
Mr. Sir gets back to Stanley because, he doesn’t fill Stanley's canteen instead, he pours out all the reaming water and get back a empty canteen. I don’t think it’s Stanley fault that Mr. Sir got scratched because, he was the one who took Stanley to the warden and then tell her that he stole the sunflower seeds. And the warden thought that Stanley didn’t steal the seeds and that is true.
Chapter 25:
I don’t think Sam was a respected member of camp green lake because, people say he’s black and back then people who were black were untouchable. But first people liked because he used to sell onions and say that it will help you get better and have a long life.
Chapter 26:
God punished Kate Barlow because Sam kissed Kate and if a black person kisses a white person it means you have gone against the rules. She was also got killed by a yellow spotted lizard, because god thinks that she has killed a lot of got people she wasn’t meant to.
Chapter 27:
The boys don’t approve of the arrangement between Zero and Stanley because, they think it’s unfair because, Stanley doesn’t have to dig any holes and then the other boys have to dig their own holes. I think it’s fair because, Stanley is going to help Zero to learn read and write so he could have a good future ahead.
Chapter 28:
The warden as the exact same shoes as Kate, because in the story it said “with her turquoise boots on”. And she stated to wear boots when green lake got all dried up. And when the warden is outside she wears boots.
Chapter 29:
I think that the thumb in Stanley’s life means that, when his great grandfather robbed him and then he was left in the desert alone to die. Then when the rain cloud moved it reminded of the picture of his great grandfather and his story.
Chapter 30:
Stanley doesn’t fight back because, he doesn’t to get in trouble for fighting with zigzag because, if he does fight back Zigzag or one of the other boys will tell Mr. Sir, Mr. Pendanski or the warden and then Staley might think that he will have to dig more holes. If I was in
Stanley’s position I would tell the warden that Zigzag is doing all this stuff to me.
Chapter 31:
Stanley doesn’t go after Zero because, he thinks it’s too late and he won’t survive in the boiling hot sun, without any water or food. And if he does go after Zero later on he thinks there's no chance of Zero to survive in the dried up lake, because where would he get the food from and if he does find food it would probably be rotten and have lots of germs.
Chapter 32:
The author is trying to say that, Stanley is is scared that something has happened to Zero that’s why it says, “what worried [Stanley] the most was the fear that it wasn’t too late.” He also might think that, Zero left days ago and they is no chance of survival in a dried up lake because, without any food or water no one can survive. And if he went after Zero, then he will die to due to a lack of food and water.
Chapter 33:
Stanley left the camp without anyone following him to where is was going. To look for Zero. he debates if he should go back to the camp and stay there or to further and and look for Zero. he might also be debating because, he hasn’t brought any clothes, food, or even water with him. If I was Stanley I would, continue going further in the hope of finding my friend, and if I don’t find my friend instead I find a dead body I would bring the dead body back to camp and tell the warden or someone what I found.
Chapter 34:
When Stanley saw the big thumb he continues walking towards it, even though he doesn’t know why because, in the back of his mind he might be thinking that there is something there and might find it. He also remembers his great grandfather's story and how he survived when he found a pool of water, so he might think that it’s still there and in the hope of that he might of continued walking.
Chapter 35:
I would describe Stanley and Zero’s relationships more like they are brothers than friends. Because, they always care for each other and help each other when they are in trouble. And Stanley went after Zero because, he cares for him and if he didn’t he wouldn’t of gone after him. And Zero helped pull Zigzag off, of Stanley when they got into that fight. And if Zero didn’t care for Stanley they he wouldn’t help Stanley.
Chapter 36:
Stanley learns that Zero is a really keen learner and a really fast learner because, when Stanley was saying out words Zero knew quite a lot of the answers and was telling them out aloud fast. Zero learns that, Stanley was the only person that helped Zeroi back up and didn’t leave his side. So that means that Zero thinks the Stanley is kind and caring.
Chapter 37:
Stanley called Zero, Hector because, Zero’s real name is Hector Zeroni. So Stanley wanted to address Zero by his real name Hector Zeroni. If Stanley didn’t call Zero by his real name then, he wouldn’t of believe he’s telling the truth. He might of also called him by his real name because, Stanley got really excited that they are getting close to water.
Chapter 38:
I have attempted a difficult task before, it was when I was going inside the a deep pool for the first time and I was to scared to go in but when I saw my brother went in I thought I am way better then him so I put my right foot in first and then my left and jumped right in. From that day on, I have realized that you shouldn’t be scared of anything and that it only takes a little bit to try something. Also if you don’t try something once then you will never try it for the rest of your life.
Chapter 39
I think Zero choose that moment to tell Stanley that he stole the shoes because, he thought he was going to die without any food and water and there is no point in dying with a truth in his heart. And if he didn’t tell Stanley the truth then Stanley would've thought he hole life that he stole the shoes and was a criminal.
Chapter 40:
Stanley was surprised that he found the stack of jars and the shovel so far down the mountain because, they're was no way for somebody to leave their shovel and jars in the middle of nowhere and when he left the shovel and jars they would of been broken and buried.
Chapter 41:
I don’t think Zero is right because, if he hadn’t of trowen the shoes over then Stanley and Hector never of met. And then their relationship wouldn’t of grown to what it is today. The good thing is that the two boys are out of the warden captivity and they don’t have to dig anymore holes.
Chapter 42:
I think that it was destiny that the shoes fell on Stanley and that he had to go to camp green lake. I believe in destiny because, everyone has it and no one can write their own destiny because, there is no such thing as that. Because if one thing happens it happens.
Chapter 43:
Stanley thinks that he is much more richer than Zero because when Zero said, “we haven’t always been poor”, that meant to Stanley that his family is more rich. When I hear these stories I think that my family and I are much more fortunate then Stanley and Zero and that I should appreciate for what I have.
Chapter 44:
I think that Stanley and Zero are scared because the warden came to them without any warning and told them they have done a lot of work for them. They might also might be confident because they have found the thing she was looking for and they have found it so they might be able to leave.
Chapter 45:
I first thought the warden was nice because, when Stanley found the lipstick tube and gave it to the warden. The warden said that everyone's water can has to be filled. No when Stanley and Zero found the chest she said that you have to give it back to me.
Chapter 46:
I think Zero gives Stanley gives the thumbs up because, he trying to say that I am ok and we can continue walking. He might also be giving Stanley the thumbs up because, when Zero saw the big thumb mountain he might of thought of thumbs up. So he might be telling Stanley that we are nearly at the top of the mountain.
Chapter 47:
The other person who also has the exact same last name was Trout Walker. That means that the warden and trout are related, and it’s true because, Trout was trying to find the treasure chest but wasn’t able to then the wardens grandfather tried looking for it but he didn’t find nor did the warden, now Stanley has found it.
Chapter 48:
I think Stanley doesn’t want to leave without Hector because, he feels as if Hector is his family and he doesn’t want to leave him alone without anyone he knows well enough. Or he might think that the warden, Mr.Sir and Mr. Pendanski will do something to him so Stanley might be worried for him.
Chapter 49:
The way part two ended was a good way because, that is kinda the end of the story and after a long time it rained at camp green lake and if it didn’t end like that then there wouldn’t of been a happy ending. And it probably rained because, Stanley and Hector found the treasure that Kissin Kate Barlow hid from Trout Walker. And I think it was meant to be for Stanley to find the case.
Chapter 50:
I think before Stanley came to camp green lake he did have a hole in life because, if he hadn’t of come to camp green lake he wouldn’t of found new friends, people and find out new stories. He wouldn’t of found a half brother that takes as much care for him as well as him. If Stanley wouldn’t of come to camp green lake then the hole inside of him would of always stayed there and he would of have lived a boring life. And when Stanley grows up he has a story to they his future family.
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