Henri Matisse
How Did He Discover His Love For Art?
Henri gained his newfound love through his parents’ work, his father’s house paints, and his mother’s porcelain painting skills.
What Did His Teacher Tell Him? What Did He Do Next?
Henri’s teacher discussed the colour theory with Matisse, and he later looked look at their stable marriages. Which inspired him to find
his own love.
What Happened At The Salon D’ Automne?
Matisse’s painting - Women In a Hat, attracted attention and was attacked and assaulted in many ways.
What Are The Styles of The Fauves?
Genre Art, portraits, Self-Portraits, History Painting, Pastoral, Landscape Painting, & Still Life.
Describing The Artwork Produced in The 1940’s
The artworks all share one colour in common - red, and 3 out of 4 of them include the interior of a house, or room, and 3 out of 4 of them also include women.
The Artist
The artist I have chosen to focus my art on is Johannes Vermeer, his style of art includes making a sketch, then painting with that outline.