Maths Quote
Nothing is impossible, the word itself says “I’m possible”.
I chose this quote because in math, I get very sure of myself and find it hard to accept when I don’t get the answer, I get the feeling my brain tells me to quit trying, and obviously that is NOT what we should be doing, so this quote could pop up just when I need it in math.
Literacy Quote
It isn’t what the book costs, it’s what it will cost you if you don’t read it.
I chose this quote because whenever I’m looking for books, I always worry about the price too much, and whether I’m spending my pocket money wisely, or just wasting it on a book I’ll read half of.
Global Quote
Your life is your message to the world, make sure it’s inspiring.
I chose this quote because whenever I’m at school, and there’s a new opportunity for a sports team, I always worry about not making it in, and not being able to spend as much time with my friends, so instead of joining, I leave it aside.
Art Quote
The “earth without the “art” is just “eh”.
I chose this quote because I sometimes start tasks and the get bored, and want to stop and do something else, but this quote made me realise that if I don’t complete things to the fullest, I’ve basically done nothing in the time I took to do half the task.
Personal Quote
Work until your idols become your rivals.
I chose this quote because I always wanted to be an author, and looked upon famous writers, but then the dream kind of fizzled out, and this quote reminds me to always follow my dreams.
Sport Quote
Remember that guy that gave up? Neither does anyone else.
I chose this quote because I always want to stay away from being hated, and do not want to be remembered as that person that gave up on their dreams.
I Hope You Find These Quotes Motivational. Go And Pursuit Your Goals!