Chapter 1
From Reading this book I found out that camp Green Lake is not what the name says.
The lake at Camp Green Lake is all dried up and bumpy, The camp is in the middle of the desert and it is the only water source For 100 miles.
I also found out that the campers have to dig one hole each day. At the camp the campers don’t even have cabins they have to sleep in ripped up tents.
There are two trees side by side each other, but the campers aren’t allowed to go under them to cool their bodies down from the boiling 95 Degrees Fareghin height, that’s because it’s the wardens hangout place.
Chapter 2
I think that digging holes can be good to build a better person and a good friendship with people,
And that’s because when the campers are digging holes for 18 months and then they get to go back to their hometown
They won’t do anything that could get them in trouble. .
But on the other hand when they are digging holes it can make them so angry with themselves that they just want to cause more trouble.
Chapter 3
When stanley’s father says I learn from failure, I think it means when you fail you’ve just gotta look back at what you failed on and see another way to to fix and learn from it.
A time where I learnt from failure was in my basic facts test, I got a lot of answers incorrect, then I remembered them for the next basic facts test and I got most of them correct.
Chapter 4
The kind of tattoo that Mr Sir has is a Rattlesnake tattoo.
I think his tattoo symbolises that Mr. Sir likes to kill rattlesnakes, an it is also a warning for new campers to watch out.
I think it tells me that Mr. Sir actually has a good side, because it is to tell the campers to watch out.
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