Every day after school i would pass by the old shoe shop glancing through the window looking and all the marvelous shoes “they were so shiny” i would think, i would do anything for a shoe like that, even if it was just one shoe, i would make do with anything that comes out that store,
The owner of the store was a sweet man who would always wave at me when i passed, every day i would pass that store, every day i would envy those shoes a little more, until one day i walked past the store and to my surprise there was a job application for making shoes, how hard can it be i i thought to myself i'm great at making stuff and maybe if i save up money form working i could buy myself a pair of shoes, i ran through the door into the shop, with my heart beating like mad i stepped up to the counter, only to see the nice man i would always greet, here for the job are you? He said yes i replied eagerly, well i'm sorry to say but i just hired someone else, just at that point my head exploded with thoughts what the jobs already taken now how will i ever be able to afford a nice shiny pair of shoes, my shoulders slumped down as i slowly walk out the store “sorry for interrupting your business” i say as i walk out the store but the man doesn't say anything but just sits there and grins, the next day when i past the shop the nice man comes out and hands me a box i know just what's inside was so excited i didn't know what to say “thank you” i finally made out he just nodded and walked back inside as i tore the box open, inside were the most shiniest shoes i ever seen i took them out and clutched them tightly, they were the best!